Derivability of Data#

Derivability is the degree of something can be calculated or obtained from something else. The concept is applicable to things more general than just math, including data and data processing.

  • Given an experiment setup, is it possible to obtain the same data?

  • Given some source codes, is it possible to run the same analysis?

  • Given some data and codes, is it possible to reach the same results?

For a piece of well defined software, given the same software environment and input, it should be able to create bit-to-bit reproducible output. We define this as “absolute derivable”, as in math. On the other hand, there are observations, e.g., in weather, that the measurements depend mainly on the physical environment—is it a sunny or rainy day? We define this as “non-derivable”, where each measurement is considered an independent realization. And then there are something in between. It is possible that a piece of software uses the system clock as its random number seed so its results are different but statistically consistent with each other. We define this as “partial-derivable” and the results are correlated.

Note that absolute derivable does not imply correctness. If the upstream data is wrong, or there is a serious bug in the data processing algorithm, the result is obviously wrong. Nevertheless, even when the result is wrong, absolute derivable can help track mistakes and hence make correction possible. Therefore, absolute derivable should be a goal in a scientific process.

To reach absolute derivable in the final results, we simply track all inputs of the data processing and version control anything that is not absolute derivable. Intermedia data products that are absolute derivable do not needed to be version controlled, but may be cached to speed up data processing, reviews, and inspections. In this sense, depending on the compilers and programming languages used, software binaries or envirnments may needed to be version controlled “data” themselves.

Consider the standard 8 steps in data life cycle:

  • Generation

  • Collection

  • Processing

  • Storage

  • Management

  • Analysis

  • Visualization

  • Interpretation

and the following sample flowchat:

    Data Manager/Merger/Filter
                |  Data Processing
                |      Pipeline
[Archival Data]-+         |       Visualization
                +-[Data]--+-+           |
[New Data]------+           |           +-[Plots]--+
                            +-[Results]-+          +-[Scientific Paper]
[Simulation]-+              |           +-[Tables]-+
             +-[Model Data]-+
[Theory]-----+              |
                     Model Comparison

The items within square brackets [...] are traditionally considered data and items without square brackets are usually handled by software. Nevertheless, in order to ensure absolute derivable, all these software should be treated as data.